Get Started in Lucidspark

Successful project management starts with effective brainstorming and planning. We’ve built a template to help you get your project planning started.

<aside> 💡 Once you’ve done your initial brainstorming with our Brainstorming with Notion template, embed it here. Simply add a section in Notion, scroll down to the “Embeds” option, and click on Lucidspark. Then simply paste the URL of your board, and you’re all set.


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Paste your Visual Activity results here for quick insight into your highest priorities:


Create Tasks Based on Top Priority Sticky Notes

Using Notion’s Task feature, take your highest priority initiatives and convert them into Tasks:

Build Out Your Timeline

Using the sticky notes that you decided were highest priority during brainstorming, build out your timeline to track when it’s feasible to complete these tasks.

Untitled Database

Use Lucid for Iterative Planning

If and when project plans or priorities change, revisit your Lucidspark board to quickly move around tasks, stakeholders, and timelines.